Championship Meet
The Pacific North West Invitational is a Regional Finals of the top five teams and individuals from each event at each state's high school equestrian state championship meet. Currently, each state has nearly 1,000 athletes competing for these top spots. As high school equestrian teams gain popularity in other states, we also hope that states like Idaho, California and Montana might someday be part of this endeavor. This championship meet between states will bring the best young horsemen and women in Oregon and Washington for a season finale.
Tentative Future Meet
June 19-22, 2025 - Redmond Oregon
2026 - Washington
June 17-20, 2027 - Redmond Oregon
2028 - Washington
June 14-17, 2029 - Redmond Oregon
2030 - Washington
June 19-22, 2031 - Redmond Oregon
Athlete Fee (which includes 1 stall) will be $125 and additonal stalls are $125 each
Stalls need to be cleaned out before an athletes leave.
Transportation Information
PNWIC is totally run by volunteers so we need all those attending (Districts, Teams, Coaches, Parents, etc.) Oregon and Washington to sign up and help.
Thank you to those who volunteered
2024 PNWIC's official photographer is Sierra Breeze
New Record
Did your team make a new Record! Then send a picture and information to krickman @ and we will record it here for all to see! Have fun at PNWIC!
2024 Gallery
Send your
2024 Pictures to krickman @ for the new season gallery! Visit the
Gallery page for previous seasons.
Support PNWIC
PNWIC is on track to support athletes and their equine partners for many years to come. If you enjoy horses and are supportive of extra-curricular activities for youth, you may want to consider supporting PNWIC through a donation or sponsorship. Keep in mind, no donation is too small and PNWIC can also benefit from donations of services and products. As a non-profit organization, your contribution to PNWIC may be tax deductible (please check with a tax advisor for more information).
Become A Sponsor - Sponsor Info/Advertise in Program
Sponsor an Award or Contributions - Info/Form
Questions? - Contact Denise John -
PNWIC Contacts
Information Contacts:
Oregon PNWIC Chair & Points:
Scott Chauncey - - 503-312-1067
Washington PNWIC Chair:
Brandon Garrison -
Washington State Points Chair:
Houston Chatham -
PNWIC Secretary:
Marcia Hallmann -
PNWIC Treasurer and Sponsors:
Denise John - - 541-961-1345